My Approach
Reality-Based Messaging
Pop quiz! When you write, what do you base your messaging on? (Select all that apply.)
Gut instinct
What we’ve said for the past ten years
What everyone on the project agrees on
What’s messaging?
I know what it’s like to send content into the world with fingers crossed.
It turns out that basing messages on reality works much better.
You may think you know what your audiences need to hear, but do you really? How do you know?
Who are the people whose support, business, funding, whatever, you need the most?
Why did they choose you? Or not?
What do they care about?
If you take the time to answer these questions, you’ll end up with clear, vivid messages that connect with the people you need to reach.
Effective messaging is like painting a room: 80% preparation.
Focused research and message development cleans the cobwebs and fills the holes in your content.
It saves you time and guesswork.
It gives you confidence in what you say and how you say it.
Before writing a word, I work with clients to identify their key audience(s). I talk with members of each audience—customers, supporters, students, etc.—including people who didn’t choose the client.
I analyze the interviews to identify patterns, surprises, and specific language. I synthesize these insights into key messages and content that reflects how audiences actually think and feel, using their own words.
This approach helps clients see their work in new ways, deepen their understanding of key audiences, and increase their impact by making powerful connections.