Life’s too short for bad messaging.
Your website. Emails. Posts. Marketing materials. Presentations. Interviews. Everything you communicate conveys messages—spoken and unspoken—about who you are, what you value, and why (or whether) you deserve people’s time and attention.
Do you suffer from any of the following?
Your messaging is tired and stale.
You do great work but your key audiences don’t know about it.
People’s eyes glaze over when you talk about what you do.
Your staff and/or board have no idea how to talk about your work.
You spend way too much time writing, it stresses you out, and you end up unhappy with it anyway.
All of the above. (In that case, please contact me right away.)
If your messages miss the mark, it could be for any number of reasons, including:
You don’t know who your key audiences are, or you don’t know much about them.
You don’t know what sets you or your organization apart.
You think your audience knows and cares about your work as much as you do.
You write by committee and end up with confusing, jargon-filled content.
Let’s be clear.
Bad messaging happens to everyone. It usually stems from a lack of clarity—around your purpose, audience, strategy, or language.
As an expert communicator with a passion for historic places and preservation, I get it. I understand the field and its nuance, language, and misperceptions. I’m an insider with a fresh perspective.
The world needs to know what you do and why it’s important. Let me help.